LOveuni you really have said it well! Thank you for being so honest about this discussion. I feel as you do except that I always felt gay marriage should be held as equal to hetero marriage, for obvious reasons ;) There is no difference when two people love each other more than anything and want to spend their lives together. We were never asking for any special rights above others just equal rights to marriage and everything that comes with that public bond.
I always thought I was born a liberal and will die as such but things are changing. As you so eloquently said "I'm mostly centre-Right because I live in the real world, not in some
blissful utopia. If ideals aren't practicably achievable they should be
reevaluated." We do not live in a utopian world. People are not willing to work for others for nothing. I hate to break it to my friends as well but greed is good when it comes to business. Capitalism is still the best system despite needing some regulations. See that is where I believe in balance. And we cannot expect that uncontrolled immigration from lawless nations will be good for us in any way. We need to help support them in their own lands not force them to integrate into ours. And the west needs to stick their noses in their own business. It is funny that you say the EDL is the equivalent of Trump because the only thing I see in common is both want to keep their nations sovereign and safe. On that point I strongly agree. There are actually several points I strongly agree with that are of the utmost importance to the future survival of this nation as a democratic republic, and yours as well as a democracy/monoarchy.